Widely-known in the German language as Flughafen Dresden-Klotzsche the internationally recognized Dresden Airport is located within the district of Dresden known as Klotzsche approximately six miles from the city center within the capital of the Free State of Saxony Germany. Today the airport is hallmark to a number of flights scheduled for several European states along with a host of luxury destinations.
The Dresden Airport today is comprised of one modern-day passenger terminal building containing a number of restaurants, retail outlets, service organizations, along with seven aircraft parking locations fitted with jet bridges and extra apron stands used for a range of short to medium sized aircrafts including the ACJ business jet.
Facts about the Dresden International Airport
- Although the airport was originally commissioned as a commercial airport, prior to its opening to commercial traffic on July 11th 1935 the Dresden Airport was primarily used for military purposes during the Third Reich of World War II. The airlift established between Wroclaw and the airport was used in support of the German soldiers in the spring of 1945 during the Battle of Breslau which lasted for three months. Several attempts made by the troops to demolish the building and destroy the equipment prior to the arrival of the allied forces were categorized by failure resulting from the resistance efforts of the ordinary airport workers.
- The Dresden International Airport for a number of years was used was an academic centre for the members of the Soviet army before its reopening to commercial air traffic on June 16th 1957 resuming a number of flights primarily to former communist states of Central and Eastern Europe known as the Soviet Union and countries of the Warsaw Pact.
- The German Democratic Republic colloquially known as East Germany between 1955 and 1961 took the necessary steps in developing its own aviation line of business based on Dresden. Although their efforts were marked by failure the idea highlighted the significance of Klotzsche airport which gave birth to the blueprint and ambience recognized within the airport to this day.
- The reunification of Germany in 1990 which saw the German Democratic Republic joining the Federal republic of Germany to form the nation g Germany saw the expansion of the airport and an increased number of flights to western European cities of government increasing air traffic at an exponential level demanding the need for a second terminal in 1995. As a result an existing hanger previously used as an assembly hall by the aircraft industry was remodeled to an aircraft terminal in 2001.
- In 2008 the airport in a marketing strategy was renamed to Dresden International in recognition of the record breaking milestone of over 1,850,000 passengers passing through the airport showing an increase of 0.3% in numbers compared to the year 2007 and an average of over 37,000 landings and takeoffs.
The Dresden International Webcam
The Dresden International Webcam features a live streaming of an arial view of the Dresden International airport showing several of the parking locations and aircrafts arriving and preparing for departure from the airport.
View Dresden International Webcam.